I am a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at Boston University. I work at the intersection of labor markets, technology, and inequality and inclusion to examine the future of work, occupations, professions, and organizations. 

My dissertation, “The Self-Taught Economy: Open-Access and Inclusion in the Tech Industry,” studies how aspiring developers without a computer science degree make sense and use open-access coding skills initiatives to get jobs in tech. I adopt a longitudinal perspective and use multiple methods (including surveys, in-depth interviews, and digital ethnography and observations) to understand how open access to coding initiatives may alter or not the existing regimes of inequalities and make tech more or less diverse.

My dissertation has been supported, among others, by grants from American Sociological Association (ASA-DDRIG) and Washington Center for Equitable Growth

I am also a finalist for the 2023 INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition.

In a second stream of research, I focus on changes digital technologies bring to work and occupations. I study topics such as new occupational communities emerging around online forums and software robots (bots) that override the dynamics of algorithmic management between organizations and workers.

I presented my research at various academic meetings, including Academy of Management (AOM), People and Organizations (P&O), American Sociological Association (ASA), European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Eastern Sociological Society (ESS), and European Sociological Association (ESA). I am also a 2022 Medici Summer School Fellow and an avid member of Precarity Lab since its launch in 2020. 

I hold both a B.A. and an M.A. in sociology from Bogazici University, Turkey.